Monday, December 31, 2007

New year's sermon

New Year – New Normal
Ephesians 4. 17-28
This has been a good year for me reading a number of books. Some books I read are good as a whole, some have a great chapter of two. Some suggest to me a phrase or an idea that is good for me to think about and teach. Earlier this year I read the book, 90 minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper. He is a minister and a number of yrs ago he was returning from a conference when an 18 wheeler crossed the centerline and ran over his car. When the EMTs got to the scene, they checked on him but found no response or vital signs so they went on to help other victims. During the next 90 minutes Mr. Piper said he had a vision of going to heaven – it is an exciting description. Then another minister who had stopped to help on the crash scene checked Mr. Piper and found he was still alive so he was taken to the hospital and spent many months in tortuous recovery. The book is a good description of what crash victims go through in their recovery.
Later in the book, he writes about the “new normal” in his life. Before he could run and play with his kids, but now the new normal for him was very different – he could walk, but not much more. The idea of a new normal is what intrigued me. Every one of us has a normal way of life – habits we have and patterns we follow. Some one I know very well has a very predictable normal. Up at between 7 and 7.30. Get dressed while watching Little House on the Prairie, goes to the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee, goes to the living room to find the crossword puzzle in the paper, and does the puzzle while watching the Waltons.
What is your normal? All of us have habits like that. Sometimes things happen to change our normal, like the car crash of Don Piper, but we can also choose a new normal for ourselves, and change our lives to make them better and different. Most of us do not change because we are satisfied with our lives and do not see any necessity to change. As Chrs we need to have a constant dissatisfied satisfaction with our lives, I believe. When I look at my life there are things I am satisfied with, but there are things I need to change. Unless we are already perfectly like Jesus Christ, we need to want to change to be more like Christ. I need a new normal and a new year is a good time to start a new normal.
Turn with me to Ephesians 4. We are going to look at verses 20 – 24 – read. The apostle Paul is reminding the readers where they came from. He is saying you used to follow the evil desires of the flesh and going from bad to worse. But now they had been taught to put off the old self and put on the new self. In the new normal all of us need to look first at what we need to stop in our lives. In another book I read there was a story that told about a woman who lived in a small town. This woman gossiped all the time to every one about every one. Some one anonymously sent the woman a note saying – “Gossiping is a sin. Gossipers go to hell.” This woman got so mad that she went all over town accusing people of sending the note and spreading all kinds of rumors and talking about people, trying to find out who sent the note. That is a sin, and needs to be stopped. Listen to verses 25 – 28 for suggestions of things we need to stop. Read. Another sin is just wasting time. There is something I do which is a total waste of time and that is going to stop completely in 2008.
What do you need to do, as the passage says “to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” The newness comes primarily when we first become Christians, but we need to be renewed all the time. I am going to suggest a few small things that you might want to pray about and try as new normals for next year.
1. I believe every Christian needs to be in the word of God regularly. I have printed a new Bible reading list for the first 3 months of the year. I would be overjoyed if all of us would read just one chapter a day of the divine word of God. Let this become your new normal – studying the Word every day.
2. It would be great if all of us were involved in Bible studies. We have some already, but maybe you would like to start one for your friends or even host one – we have a number of people here at the church who could lead the Bible study at your home. Bible studies provide a time of growth in knowledge of the word of God and a good time of fellowship.
3. Maybe you need to look at what you give to the work of the Lord and try a new normal next year. In the last 3 years God has been challenging me to give more to the church and to missions. Each year I pray to God to have him tell me how much I should give the next year. Each year he has let me know and has provided what I need to give. As I give, God gives more for me to give. Look at what you are giving and then trust him to help you give what you have committed. (Minister – preaching about stewardship – someone asked if he was doing that so he could get a raise. Upset – preached this because all of us need to give so we can learn to trust the Lord.)
4. Make a commitment to serve God in some special way as a new normal next year. Are there things you have been thinking about doing to do here at the church or for others? Do them for the glory of God.
5. All of us need to work on our prayer life, or nearly all of us. There are some here at the church that spend hours every day praying for others in a great way. Maybe you need to make a time to pray and start a prayer list to use in your prayer time. Pray for those you love the most – your kids, spouses, grand kids, neighbors, and friends. Pray for the people God puts in your path. Make pray a part of your new normal this year.
In another book I read this year the author wrote about the problem of backsliding of Chrs in the church. I had not read that term for a long time. What it means is that unless we are progressing in our Chr lives, we are slipping back away from the Lord. There is usually no standing still. We are either getting to be more like Christ or we are backsliding.
At the end of each year I take some to look over what I have done that year. I have found that if I do not plan to do anything different, I usually do not change. This year I want a new normal in my life that centers of my relationship with Jesus Christ as I put him first in my life. Choose a new normal for the year 2008 and pray that God will help you to grow.

1 comment:

DD4 said...

"90 Minutes in Heaven" is a Baker book - the parent company for the publishing house for which I work. I really liked the book too. It gave me the best glimpse of heaven so far.