Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 4th, 2011 – If my people…

2Ch 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

          On the 4th of July this country celebrates the Declaration of Independence, declaring our independence from England. The 13 colonies had been the possession of England and found that the way they were being treated was intolerable. The Parliament in London made laws for the colonies without even asking the people here what they wanted. There were taxes imposed to control what the people bought and who they bought them from. A Continental Congress was called to see if the 13 colonies could agree to work together to get their freedom from England.

          On July 4th, 1776 the men who were meeting prayed and then voted to sign this Declaration of Independence. The British did not want to lose the colonies so they sent the best soldiers they had to put down the rebellion of Americans. The war that resulted was fought for many years – a rag-tag army lead by General George Washington against the best army and navy in the world. The British were the best trained and the best equipped military men in the world. The Americans defeated them, by the grace of God – almost miraculously and the colonies won their freedom for themselves and for us.

          The new nation was formed with a new constitution and new way of governing. All the nations of Europe had kings or queens ruling them, and many wanted George Washington to be our king. He refused, was elected President and served two terms – he could have been elected to more terms, but refused to run again – a brilliant move. Our government was of the people and for the people.

          Out of this beginning, a very different nation was formed. There were 13 independent colonies that could have formed 13 countries, but instead became one nation, united with one central government, one language, on currency eventually, and one unique vision for the new nation. Many states formed one nation.

Many people from different counties and nations formed on people – Americans. (I was told by my 3rd grade teacher to find out what nationality I was – I asked my Dad – he said you tell that teacher we are Americans. I told her that – she said I needed to find out if I were English or Danish or what. My Dad told me to go back and tell the teacher we were 100% American.) We Americans are a different people – maybe too proud and loud, but we get things done and have for our whole history.

          Americans are different in our religions also. All the states of Europe had a state religion – the state paid the ministers and for the churches (if there were offerings they were only for special purposes) . Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany were all Lutheran states. France, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Portugal were Roman Catholic countries. England was the Church of England or Anglican. In the century after the US was formed, all churches were not state supported and really all kinds of religions were tolerated. In our day we are the most open country to all religions, sometime I think too open, but I am glad we are. We are unique in our view of religion.

          Today we have a lot of problems in our country – we could spend the rest of today and all of the 4th of July talking about them. We are in an economic crisis – and there is enough blame to go around for both political parties in the nation and the state. We have a moral crisis – we have been told for two generations that there are no absolutes and no right or wrong, so we should not be surprised that our prisons and jails are stuffed full of people who break the laws. This crisis is in individual morality, corporate morality, business morality, and governmental morality. We have a crisis in our housing industry – falling home prices and massive foreclosures and bankruptcy. We have a crisis in families – high divorce rates, huge numbers of single mothers, very high rates of unwed mothers having children, and kids who are not getting the love and discipline they need.

          What do we need to do? Let’s look at the passage of scripture I read at the beginning. Read again – 2 Chr. 7.14. The Jewish people were dedicating the newly finished temple in Jerusalem. They had built this magnificent temple with gold and silver all over it. They had sacrificed thousands of animals in the dedication. Then God spoke to them. He began by saying, If. The people had a choice to do what their God is telling them to do. God does not force us to do his will. If my people who are called by my name – we are his people today and we are called by his name.  Do you understand that? He is saying if all my people, my Chrs, will do these 4 things, God will bless us.

1.     We must humble ourselves – pride is the enemy of God – thinking too much of ourselves or thinking what we have is because we deserve it or are responsible for it. Israel thought that the land they had and the beautiful temple they had, were because of their own effort. We need to recognize God is the source of all we have and will ever have.

2.     We must pray – prayer is always to the creator, all-powerful God. We should not pray for more prosperity – we have enough of that and too often, more money and things lead us away from God rather than to him. We need to pray for a return to God’s morality, God’s values and God’s vision of what this country should be.

3.     We must seek his face – That is to seek God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. What good are a rich country, with expensive cars and big houses with lots of stuff, and no relationship with the loving God? We have fewer people going to church in this country than we had just 10 years ago. We have a generation or two who do not know God and salvation in him. I think also that we have a lot of people who go to church but do not really seek his face – his heart – his loving hands.

4.     Last we need turn from our wicked ways. It is hard for us to see how much evil we tolerate in this country. I was watching the Archie Bunker show for a while the other night. I remember when that started the furor about how bad that was show was. Now that is mild compared with all the things we Americans and even Chrs watch every day and night. We cannot make our non-Chr culture follow God ways, but we sure can and better turn from our wicked ways.

5.     Then God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land so we can be used for his glory again. God will heal his churches first, and this uniquely special land, for his glory.

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