Monday, February 16, 2009

Sermon Feb 15th

Faith in Jesus – What does that mean?
Mark 6.1-6

Believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God is easy for some people but very difficult for others. After we believe, we almost take it for granted that all people should believe what Jesus taught and said. But some have a hard time believing in Jesus Christ. Why? That is what we are going to look at today in this message. The passage in Mark 6 tells about Jesus teaching in a Jewish synagogue about himself and then the reaction of the hearers to what he said.
Listen as I read Mark 6.1-6. What made it hard for the listeners to believe what Jesus said? Read. The Jewish synagogue was the equivalent to our churches. The Jews traveled to the temple in Jerusalem once a year or so to worship there. But on a regular basis – every Sabbath or Saturday the Jews gathered in their synagogue to read the OT, hear a message about the scripture, and pray. This was the home synagogue of Jesus where he learned Hebrew and the other teachings of the Jewish religion. It was a custom to invite a teacher to read the OT in Hebrew. The congregation read a portion of their Bible – the OT – on a regular system – on a 3 year rotation or something like that, like some churches do with a lectionary today.
It just so happened that the scripture Jesus read on that day was from Isaiah 61.1-2. Luke 4 is the parallel passage of the gospels and it says Jesus read this. Read Luke 4.18-21. For centuries the Jews in their synagogues read this passage on a certain day. After it was read the speaker of the day would say, someday this scripture will be fulfilled and the Messiah of Israel will come to us. The people in the congregation would shake their heads in agreement with a hope that someday soon the Messiah would come. But this day after it was read, Jesus rolled up the scroll and said to the people, “Today the scripture is fulfilled in me.” In Jesus.
The barrier to belief here is that they knew him too well – he was from their home town.
That is why the people in the congregation were so surprised at what Jesus said. They knew he was claiming to be the very Messiah prophesied in so many passages in the OT. The congregation was being asked to believe that this man, a man who had grown up in this very town and synagogue was the Messiah. It would be like me claiming to the Messiah here today. I am not, but I did grow up here in Austin and this very congregation. Some of you knew me when I was a teenager when my whole family came to this church – not many, but at least some. Would it be hard for you to believe me, if I claimed to be the long awaited Messiah? Of course.
Jesus had given them some evidence already that he was the Messiah. His teachings were extremely unusual. He did preach to the poor. He did give sight to the blind. He did heal many diseases. Jesus gave them evidence of his right to be called the Messiah.
Some times it is hard to believe in Jesus in our world today. There are a lot of honest people who do not believe that Jesus was or is God. There are a number of reasons for lack of belief, or barriers to belief. 1)It is hard to believe in the miraculous things Jesus did when the view of the world is that everything is based on scientific evidence. Science seems to say that only natural things can happen, not supernatural things. If Jesus claims to raise people from the dead or feed thousands of people with just a few fish and a couple of biscuits, it just could not happen to them.
2) What is taught in college and even high schools is a barrier to belief. I think too that many college teachers think their main job in teaching is to get their students to give up any childish faith in God. They want the students to doubt everything they have been taught in church or Sunday school. They want to create atheists it seems or young people without morals, without purpose and direction, for whatever reason. I have looked at the evidence for faith, and I am sure there are good reasons to believe in Jesus Christ. (Intelligent design/millions of pure accidents.)
This week I received an email with a story about and atheist. He was in the Rockies enjoying the beautiful scenery – what beautiful mountains, trees, little animals. Then a bear started chasing him. Tripped and fell. Bear right on top of him. Prayed – God, save me. Behind the bear there was light and a voice which said, “Is that really fair? You have denied me all of your life.” The atheists said, you are right, but one thing. Will you make the bear a Chr? Immediately the face of the bear changed to a serene look. The bear sat up, folded his paws, closed his eyes and prayed, “Dear God, for this meal I am about to eat, make me truly thankful.”
3) Another barrier to belief is the sins of others. I have talked to people who tell me that their dad or grandpa or a priest or minister was a religious person, but did this or that to them. That is too bad and I am sorry. Too many religious or even Chr people sin against children, but the greatest tragedy is that these sins might keep the child from God.
4) Sometimes sin of the person, himself or herself, is a barrier to belief. When we sin we do not want to face God or go to church so we avoid God. I know the devil works hard on this as he tells us we are can not ask forgiveness – we are not worthy to even approach God. But that is the very message of Jesus Christ – he says I love you just as you are. Come to Jesus and ask forgiveness. Let me say too that Jesus loves us so much he will not leave us the way we are – with his power he will change us so we can live a fulfilling life for him.
These are barriers to belief. Are there benefits of belief? 1) Hebrew 11.6 says “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” We must believe in Jesus Christ to have a relationship with God. God rewards us when we diligently seek our loving God.
2) Another benefit of belief is the knowledge of forgiveness of sins – you and I are completely cleansed from sin – all past sins. We do not need to carry the burden of the past around. We can come into the presence of God as clean and pure because of the blood of Christ.
3) We have purpose in life – to live and serve the living God for his glory. We are not just floating through life aimlessly – we know where we are going and what we are doing.
4) Finally, we have the benefit of belief that gives us the hope of eternal life – heaven forever with our Lord Jesus Christ. Forever and ever. Eternal bliss and eternal joy.
Jesus invites you to believe in him today. He is the Messiah – the Savior – the Lord.

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